We all have that buddy, you know the one. The conspiracy theorist. As a guy with friends on both sides of the political extremes. I probably have more friends that fit this description than most. Sometimes its entertaining but the last few years its been scary. There was a time you would hear a conspiracy and be able to say " naaawwwww thats crazy" and just move on with your life. These days it seems like the only difference between conspiracy and truth? Is the amount of time it takes for the conspiracy to become accepted and reported as news.
For some time I have been trying to warn folks that Electric cars pose a threat to personal freedom. In a way that few things ever could. My basis for this opinion was my experience as a Data Services Supervisor and Director relations Support advisor. Working for a major Cellular Service provider. During my time there, I saw targeted network throttling and outright tower grid blackouts for areas experiencing political strife. You dont have to take my word for it. A quick internet search will yield more results than you will care to read. There are many active and past law suits against carriers for service denials during protests and riots.
If you think a cellular service provider turning off public access to voice and data services. While keeping the towers active to track location and movement sounds like a, "couldn't happen here in the US" kind of thing boy do I have news for you. I dont care what your feelings on the event, wether for or against, you need only look at the January 6th event. Like I said no matter what side of the fence you fall on what went down that day. When you realize how cellular technology was used. Both during and along after to track and prosecute the folks that participated? you should be concerned.
How does this apply to Cars and why should I care?
Well if you haven't been paying attention or don't understand technology. Anyone with even a passing understanding of electric cars will tell you. The biggest difference between a modern cell phone and an electric car? Size and the addition of wheels. From the cheapest to the most expensive. One thing that all electric vehicles share is a built in 5g 4g and wifi modems. These modems allow real time streaming of data and updates. Positioned as safety and improvement updates. . Allowing the manufacturers to add remove and alter features at will. wether you want them to or not. If you're skeptical a few quick searches and you will find active and past law suits of this "feature" already being abused. Tesla most notably has several law suits for feature editing, limiting and data collection.
I have already written posts about patents that would allow Manufacturers and banks to automatically limit features. To access and reposes cars via self driving protocols when a customer is behind on payments. As I described in those articles these features will have been positioned as Safety or Punitive but only against the dead beats that dont pay.
I got a lot of push back saying I was crazy and that it would never happen here.
Well as I previously sited back in Nov 9, 2021 AP reported that congress had submitted a mandate that by 2026 cars would be required to have a technology that could disable the car if the car feels you were drunk.
Section 24220 of the bill directs the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration to develop rules that would require new cars to be equipped with technology that "passively monitors the performance of a driver," identifies whether they may be impaired and prevents or limits motor vehicle operation "if an impairment is detected."
It's hard to argue with the stated use. However, no matter what side of the political spectrum you fall on, if you know history at all. Our government has a less than stellar history of mistreating our citizenry and power abuse. Once a feature like this is installed it's only a matter of time before it's abused.
There was a time when I thought there was no way the private company I worked for would limit cellular service to its customers. Especially durning a riot or protest. When people are arguably most likely to need help or emergency services. Certainly not without warning or judicial order. But I saw it happen. on more than one occasion. You think that the same thought process won't be used against the same populace by disabling all cars in a specific area so you cant flee or escape? They are already turning off your phones, why would they then allow you access to your car?
Theres a saying that goes somthing like "the Chinese word for tragedy is the same for opportunity?" according to a quick google search The Chinese word for crisis is Wei Ji 危机 Wei means crisis while Ji means opportunity. In the ancient Chinese philosophy, opportunities often arise from crisis. I say that to say this. As scary as I find this path. I see opportunity for small manufactures like Lucid, Vivian, Bolinger and yes Tesla. An opportunity to make an apple like commitment. A commitment to privacy. To personal freedoms and vow to block this type of software from their platforms. It may be too late for Tesla. Elons reliance and monetary commitment to the Chinese market. Where a control option like this is sure to pop up first if it hasn't already. But Rivian, Lucid and especially Bollinger? These guys have a real opportunity here. Imagine the response! A small Electric car company that not only sets the standard for mobility but for protecting your right to access it? To build value and positive public sentiment buy getting in front of what could be the biggest threat to our American way of life yet. It's a dangerous stance to take. But a company especially like Bollinger that has a rugged off road product on deck already. Stating they will keep their platform secure and make a commitment to plain easy to understand update explanations? Could be a hell of an opportunity!
The Lowered HMFIC