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Got lucky

Writer: James, The Lowered HMFIC James, The Lowered HMFIC

Part of the deal/rules I made for myself when deciding to run The Lowered was being honest with my posts. Sharing not just my triumphs but my losses too. If your a long time follower you can attest I’ve taken some hits and been brutally honest about them. Well here’s another. See that scuff no that’s not rust on an old bumper. That my friends is what FUCKINLUCKY looks like.

I’ll explain, so last night I drove the Buick the farthest I ever have a little more than an hour all the way to woodland to the Midnight Mass show. I was so happy with how great she ran I couldn’t help myself while stopped and tanking her up, taking a ton of pics. I was so engrossed I didn’t notice a cop had snuck up on me in full battle rattle. He’d wandered over get a closer look while tanking up his cruiser. Turns out he wasn’t even a car guy, I didn’t hold it against him, seemed like a nice guy. Any way when I finally got back to the house and pulled her back into the garage… one of the cabinet doors on the old built in work bench, a solid wood monster installed long before I took possession of my current home had apparently swung open after I left. I couldn’t see it over the hood/fender on pulling in. As I rolled in, I hit it hard enough that it made a gunshot loud “CRACK!!!” And rocked the entire car…like a boat in a rogue wave. All I could do was put it in neutral pull the e-break and lean back in the couch like bench seat while closing my eyes and exhaling a loud SHHHHHHeeeeeeittt!!! Cursing my idiocy, I’ve had issues with those cabinet doors swinging open on their own in the past. Enough that I put little hooks on them but they still somehow pop loose on occasion. I normally get out and check before pulling in, but I was tired and lazy. I was so mad at myself having potentially gutted the passenger side of the Buick, with clear visions of destroyed irreplaceable trim in my head, I didn’t have the heart to even look till this afternoon. So after gathering my mental strength to deal with my stupidity I backed her out took her around the block. Parking at a flat spot at the top of my hill and did an inspection finding only this smudge. Like I said, it’s not rust it’s actually the stain coloring from the cabinet door! The rest of the car is completely un damaged!!! Like said at the beginning this is what lucky looks like!

So while I’m not happy with my own dumb laziness, I’ll take the win/loss and yeah I made sure to fix all the cabinet doors on that shitty old bench before pulling her back in! I’m so great full she’s ok and I’m not responsible for making something that has somehow lived this long in such great condition worse.


The Lowered HMFIC


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