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Last Family road trip of the summer.

Writer: James, The Lowered HMFIC James, The Lowered HMFIC

With everything going on with my fleet these days and family obligations. t was damn near impossible to get out of town with the kids this summer. We did stuff don't get me wrong, tons of stuff. Just not the road trip hang we’d all said we wanted to before last years school session ended. With Their summer vacation coming to an end I knew I had to make something happen.

Thankfully the guys at TBR were able to get Trucky Verde back to me. Unfortunately I still didn't have my tailgate back from Grant Fab. So even with my Paragon truck cover I couldn’t put luggage in the back. Not a big deal we kept our stuff in the cab. Good thing I have a crew cab and it was just the three of us so it wasn't so bad.

When determining a destination I figured the kids would want to head south toward LA. You know, Disney or Knotts or some other theme park but no. Despite their age gap both kids had found and fell in love with a show called Gravity Falls. Watching it on loop long after the creators had tied things up with the final episodes. If you haven’t seen it. The show centers around siblings. A brother and sister that are shipped off to spend their summer vacation helping their uncle. A "mysterious" Uncle that lives in a Road side attraction somewhere in the pacific North West. The cartoon town may be fictional, but it's based on road side attractions that still exist. If you've traveled the major routes between California, Oregon and Washington state as I have you've seen them.  I spent many a summer traveling these routes. I remember seeing and sometimes visiting the attractions the show was based around. When watching the show with my kids I recognized and reminisced about them. Of coarse my kids wanted to see them as well.

So a Gravity falls themed road trip became the goal.

We didn't have much time, a three day weekend only. So we packed up and headed North. Along the way I came across all kinds of cool stuff I wanted to drag home. Thankfully my family has become patient with my roadside discoveries. Man I wanted to pull all kinds of parts out of that 66 500xl!

Driving out to the Coast from Sacramento and we meandered up to the Trees of Mystery. If you haven’t had the pleasure. It's a pretty cool spot. Deep in the coastal redwoods in Klamath California. Knowing we’d get in late I got us rooms at the hotel right across from the attraction. A cool cabin looking spot I’d always wanted to stay in as a kid. Theres nothing else there and the attached restaurant was closed by the time we got in. So we had to drive north to Crescent City for dinner. My daughter found a killer spot called Norris Family Kitchen. I take the time to mention this as it was the best food we'd have on the trip! Not only did these folks stay open for us. They then proceeded to bring piping hot Fry Bread slathered in cinnamon and sugar as a starter! Followed by some of the most perfectly done hot wings I've had in months and a Philly cheese steak burger… holy crap. So good!! Literally a full cheese steak sandwich filling on top of a burger. If this restaurant was near me I’d probably have a booth reserved just for me. I would absolutely regain every ounce of the weight I’ve lost plus some. This Place is legit!

Trees of Mystery is one of those time warp spots that seems to stay the same despite times best efforts. Huge Paul Bunyan and Babe Blue Ox look over the parking lot and gift shop. Occasionally a speaker in Paul Bunyan will come alive and a voice will ring out. “HELLOOO DOWN THERE WELLLLLLCOME TO THE TREEEEEEEESSSSSSOFFFFMYYYYYSSSTERY!” And other sayings but that was our favorite. I’ve no idea if it's someone inside the gift shop or a recording but it's pretty great. It's weeks later and my kids and I will still call out Paul Bunyans greeting for no reason. The park itself is a highly manicured trail through the surrounding redwoods. Its breathtaking. The redwoods themselves are are amazing. But towards the top of the mountain there is a staircase leading to a tree to tree bridge. More than a hundred feet in the air allowing you to walk from tree to tree. My son couldn’t have been more excited. My daughter and I however? Not super stoked on heights, I couldn't let her miss out. So I sucked it up and pretended to be brave. I guess I was convincing because she climbed up. I'm pretty sure she was as glad as I was we did. Sometimes you gotta do the Dad thing and push through your own bullshit so your kids don't miss out. Like I said, I am glad we did, what an incredible experience and view. I am gonna date myself here but if your my age or happen to be a Star Wars nerd. It's like being in an Ewok village up there. They also have a cable car that also goes from the top to the bottom through the trees, that we didn't do. There are lots of interesting Wood carvings and statues hidden along the trails. Mostly Paul Bunyan themed to break things up. It doesn't take that long to get through but it's well worth seeing.

From there we went further North. Stopping at beaches and vistas and other red wood trails along the way to The Oregon Vortex. Another decades old road side attraction un affected by time. This one is more prop and illusions based and the kids loved it as well. Its one of those Northwestern kids rights of passage every family should pursue. My son made sure we volunteered and participated in all the things. This one also doesn't take that long to get through. The experience hinges on the guide you get. But even if you get a less seasoned or charismatic guide it's pretty entertaining. I would even recommend it without kids, it's pretty fun.

What road trip would be complete without a stupid mistake? Leaving The Oregon Vortex I entered our next destination address incorrectly. Burning 6 hours of travel time and therefore most of the day going the wrong direction. Ending up in front of what looked like an old gas station. One that had been a hundred other businesses before ultimately being abandoned. what a bummer. I did my best to make up for it by stopping at other spots we happened across. But it was a wasted day. After getting a room in Grants pass, we turned around and headed back. in an effort to keep things interesting we retraced our path. Driving down the coast taking Redwood trail detours and any other spots we missed on the way up.

The West Coast highway specifically through California is a bucket list worthy drive. The parts that dip off the new main roads through the oldest and largest Red Woods are a national treasure. If you ever get the chance to drive the California Coast take it. You’ll be glad you did. If your lucky enough to go through the old growth Red Woods sections? It’s the kind of place you cant help being awestruck by. I have only been a few places in my life that some how felt inherently special. Like holy ground. walking or driving through the redwoods is one of those places. Yes many movies have been shot in the red woods for this reason. I don't know what it is about walking amongst these giants surrounded by mist and fog. Even if you've seen the movies, actually being there though is truly humbling.

On the way home I came across this aweome Lambo Kit Car. Yeah it was pretty rough but it was yet another ride I wante to drag home.

I am so glad I took this opportunity with my kids. We had conversations, played games and saw things together we couldn’t have other wise. Sometimes I find myself putting opportunities like this off. Either the vehicle I want to take isn't ready. Schedules  or money might be a bit tight at the moment. It’s alarmingly easy to talk your self into doing nothing sometimes. I know the economy sucks for most of us right now. I am certainly not advising anyone to take my advice when it comes to money. But what I will say is this. Time is the one thing you can never get more of. Nothing is perfect. In most cases whats perfect in your mind has little to no relation to what’s perfect in others. So do the thing. Have the experience, make the memories while you can. Us parents have a narrow window when our kids time is in our control. Once they start working/driving or leave for school or selective service. Those opportunities are gonna be way fewer and further between.Git on it while you can, when you can! Before they figure out you're not really cool.


The Lowered HMFIC


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