So I kept seeing headlines and click bait articles stating that Amazon was dropping Jeremy Clarkson. Apparently he had written or said something so vile he could simply not be allowed to have a job any more. So naturally, I was like OK well what did he say this time? Well depending on what article you read it may be one of two separate incidents as detailed below
“I hate her. Not like I hate [Scottish First Minister] Nicola Sturgeon or [English serial killer’ Rose West. I hate her on a cellular level,” Clarkson wrote in a column on The Sun, published on Friday, December 16, about Meghan and Prince Harry’s six-part doucseries, Harry & Meghan.
In another section of the since-deleted article, Clarkson — who is known for hosting ITV’s Who Wants to Be a Millionaire? and Top Gear — referenced a famous scene from Game of Thrones, writing, “At night, I’m unable to sleep as I lie there, grinding my teeth and dreaming of the day when she is made to parade naked through the streets of every town in Britain while the crowds chant, ‘Shame!’ and throw lumps of excrement at her.”
So… While I don't know the back story or fully understand what drove him to these opinions or why Mr. Clarkson feels this way...
You know what? I also dont care.
I don't look to Jeremy Clarkson for politics or moral leadership. I look to him for his asshole hijinks and never ending torturing of his co hosts. He's a hilariously crotchety old dude doing the kind of shit folks from his era do on a much larger meaner and yes funnier scale.
Who doesn't feel this way about one or many politicians? I am not sure if she qualifies as politician but she's certainly political. Wait you say, maybe he feels that way because of her being an American or maybe it's her race? Ok maybe? But if thats the case, who would really be surprised that an ElderlyWhite English guy who un ironically sported a Hasselfro for many years has an unpalatable opinion about an American born non white chick marrying into his precious monarchy? Honestly I would find it more shocking if he liked her. I'm certainly not condoning his bullshit mind you just saying I was neither surprised or shocked that those were his quotes.
Seriously Hasselfro...
Also what’s the overlap of folks complaining about this to those that actually watch Top Gear or Gran Tour? I am thinking it's probably somewhere between infinitesimal to non existent.
And I feel like I can prove it.
You know what event shocked me about the whole Top Gear/Gran Tour series? The thing that disturbed and haunts me? How is it no one is freaking out that in the Columbian adventure episode they literally filmed a guy having sex with a donkey. I shit you not, it's on Amazon Prime right now. You can watch Jeremy Clarkson pulling over for a stretch or something and him and his Camera folks film a dude off a ways in a field just going to town on a Donkey. AS IF THAT WASN'T ENOUGH!! Buckle up little buddies It gets crazier. After that scene the very next thing they show is Clarkson asking a fairly large group of locals about the bestiality he'd just witnessed. The locals... they are not only unfazed, they all basically admit to regularly having sex with their livestock! It's a heavily edited scene but it's either said or eluded that having sex with the livestock is not only common its most of the local boys first sexual experiances.
Nothing? No-one else is alarmed? No official News/Drama Rag outrage reactions at the casual way these Columbians feel about a little pin the tail on the old Eeyore action? A little Donkey Diddle Dick Dippin? No fucks given for the barnyard bonefest thats going on down Columbia way? How was there no media coverage detailing how the locals reaction to Donkey Donking is met with less feeling than the debate between Pepsi or Coke? Beastiality, mehhhh, whatevs but yet another old white guy doesn't like politicians or that there's an American Princess? Thats what these folks are shocked about? Apparently there are no shitty grandparents alive in England? Personally I am making it my new policy to side eye the shit out of anyone I hear talking about “vacationing” in Columbia now. That's some creepy shit man, yeah the culture and scenery huh… Ok Billy Bob Sanchez… Ok…
The Lowered HMFIC