With the RV industry blowing up like never before in California. It only takes quick drive through any part of LA or SF to explain why. People can't afford homes and are scooping them up. The last time I was down in LA, pre Rona. I happened to be in a bar in Venice beach discussing the mass amounts of RVs I'd been seeing all over LA with a buddy of mine. A guy ear hustling on us decided to jump in. He said he was in the special effects industry. That after moving out to LA from the midwest for his first job making what he thought was big money he found himself living with three other guys. All three sharing the same home and situation. Despite making a good salary, Real estate prices were not going to allow him or any of them, to buy a home. At least not one any were near the areas they worked. So when the charm of renting that room wore off he needed another solution. He reached out to his parents for advice and and after coming to a consensus, he asked them to start looking at RVs. They were able to find him a killer provost style bus. It was used but pretty new and by the pictures, nicer than some of the homes I've lived in. It even had a matching garage/trailer that came with, allowing him to tow/park his Tesla in when moving the coach. The trailer also gave him a place to tinker with his personal projects. At first I was surprised he'd want a set up so immense with LA parking being what it is. Turns out his work allowed him to park it on the edge of their lot. So when he did that he had no commute. Sure he had to fly back and drive it out to the west coast. But doing so saved a ton. He said by buying it in the midwest and registering it out of his parents place as well he saved even more. His lightly used mobile paradise ended up costing him less than the downpayment on a condo in Cupertino or LA would have, trailer included! He also shared because an RV his loan is somehow similar to a home loan. He was afforded a much lower payment. Even so he planned to have it paid off in 3 years. From there on out he's stacking that cash! After hearing his explanation I was damned if I could find a hole in his logic!
I have fond memories of traveling in RVs with my parents. Unfortunately we didn't do it very many times. But I'll never forget loading up our dirt bikes and spending the week at Pismo riding along the beach. Or driving down to the desert to ride with my brother and his family. I'd love to make similar memories with my own kids. So RVs have become a regular search parameter in my weekly inter webs searches. As I have looked more and more even at new coaches. It's apparent that the RV industry is charging top shelf prices for 90s technology at best. Most Class A coaches use a highway rated Truck chassis from one of the big three Ford Chevy or Dodge and build from there. not very exciting or efficient with some glaring limitations.