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Style is subjective. The Detomaso P72 is not.

Writer: James, The Lowered HMFIC James, The Lowered HMFIC

Updated: Jan 31, 2023

What I think is great, other folks may think is absolute garbage, hence the saying one mans trash is another mans treasure. Admittedly, like most people I feel my opinion, being mine, must be the correct one and therefore anyone that disagrees with me is obviously wrong. It’s a knee jerk reaction that has infected us all and one I am not always proud of. If you’ve followed me for any time at all you will have undoubtedly come across my response to folks hating on a vehicle I posted saying a variation of the following.

“Dont feel bad little buddy, cool isn't for everyone.”

I stand by that.

Case in Point, The De Tomaso P900/ P72. Oh my sweet, sweet baby Jesus, what a work of art. A modern take on the De Tomaso P70. A race car that was ultimately never raced. The De Tomaso website sums it up nicely with the quote

"This joint venture between Carroll Shelby and Alejandro De Tomaso was destined for controversy, but it was one of the best and most unique experiences of my life at a special time in racing history.” From its designer Peter Brock.

Sadly or maybe luckily for us the car was never raced. Merely disassembled and stored at the De Tomaso factory. I say luckily because had it been allowed to race it may have been damaged or at worst evolved as rule changes may have required throughout its hypothetical career. Meaning the inspirational point for the new P72 could have been lost.

De Tomaso says it will only make 72 examples of the P72 and I can only hope the response is strong enough to change their mind. What a knockout. Just look at that profile!? Serious Speed racer, racer X vibes!

To my eye both Lamborghini and Ferrari have moved their design ethos to crispier edges and lines. Lamborghini being the more obvious example. Don’t think I am complaining, I rather enjoy both marks design and current line ups but the P72… It’s a remarkable. Designed by Jowyn Wong. A name I wasn’t familiar with. Turns out, dude runs his own company Wyn Design. Having previously worked for McLaren. The fact that the company web site seems to only list one other designer makes this effort all the more impressive. When it comes to design I think we can all agree that what’s popular becomes infectious, what do I mean? How many times have you heard or maybe even said yourself “all cars look the same now!” I Know Ive said it. In a world of edgy super cars and jellybeans for the rest of us unwashed masses, the De Tomaso P72 is an undeniably successful throwback. A modernization of classic design and sensibilities in all the very best ways. A long over due return to the voluptuous. To a natural, Human artist vs military tech inspired style. And I cant get enough.

Much like when a beautiful women unexpectedly catches your eye, smiles and keeps on going. I simply can not stop looking at her. The P72 is a ridiculously fantastic looking machine from every angle. And like many a hopeful guy looking at said beautiful women has hoped. She’s just as amazing inside as she is on the outside. Details abound, the arm rest ending in steam punk esque exposed gear linkage? Just that piece would have been worthy of all this praise on its own. The gauge cluster, another stand alone piece of art. Looks as if cut by a jeweler with a diamond pattern that is repeated throughout the car. From what I can tell several options are available on the exposed jewel like metal bits. I have scoured the inter webs finding a few different painted examples. So far I have seen interior shots with copper on the De Tomaso company site. But I have also found other examples that seem to be in chrome or nickel. I would be surprised if there isn’t a gold one out there somewhere.

To sum up, had you previously offered me my choice of any modern super car to have as my very own? I would have without hesitation said Pagani but now, seeing the De Tomaso P72.. with those looks and reportedly a Roush Performance built supercharged coyote for motorvation? OH, there would be some serious hesitation.


The Lowered HMFIC


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