If your a parent you'll know what I mean. The initial panic of how you're going to fill your kids summer days fades into activities and events. Movies, cars and coffees, sports, local cruise nights, art projects maybe a trip out of town or two. Then, when you're just getting the hang of things it's the first day of school again. Call me crazy, I know most people don't but I really enjoy back to school shopping. Certainly not the cost. But I can't help but remember how much I loved it as a kid. Getting the new school years shoes, clothes and accoutrements was exciting. A tangible embodiment of the promise for the new year. Being on the parent side now its different and I'm so thankful our family is fortunate enough to be able to provide the new shoes, back packs, pencils, pens and all the stuff. Sure it feels good to be in such a position, but not near as good as seeing the excitement and hope they have for what's to come. I find their enthusiasm inspiring. I love watching the careful deliberation of my son over what character backpack is gonna set the tone. My daughters shift from darker colors back to the lighter colors she loved so much as a toddler. Admittedly we aren't the most stylish of people or all that brand conscious when it comes to most things. Cars excluded, but I dont know that thats a bad thing. Sadly I didn't have much input this year for the actual shopping of the stuff. it all got handled while I was working. But I enjoyed the fashion shows upon their return and how happy they seemed to get their first day started. Yup Summer is officially over for us, the school year has begun, god willing it will be a good one. I hope all you Parents out there were able to get your shopping done with out too much stress or strife and that your kids are off and running for the new year as well!
The Lowered HMFIC