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The Rodders Journal is back?

Writer: James, The Lowered HMFIC James, The Lowered HMFIC

Updated: Aug 2, 2022

If your not a subscriber or past reader of The Rodders Journal boy are you missing out. TRJ has been referred to as the Bible of the traditional Rod & Custom community for a reason. It's not just a magazine, from the second you pick it up you know your holding something special. The heavy paper stock the beautiful photography and light conversational like editorial. To my mind TRJ is the holy grail of car magazines. Unfortunately Editor Steve Coonan and the TRJ Family had some controversy lately. Like many small business leaving California, TRJ had some immediate teething issues being in a new state, making new connections as if that wasn't hard enough, Corona Virus. Now I dont pretend to have the inside scoop but from what I've read both from Steve and others posts there was issue after issue with a publisher accidentally scrapping already printed magazines that were supposed to ship internationally and then international shipping in general. I can personally vouch for the mail side of things. I'm just a little guy and I have had all kinds of issues trying to ship you guys stickers and a few remaining shirts. Before and after covid showed up. I had a package I shipped to Australia disappear for months. the guy was super cool about it saying he always had issues with Australias post but after so long I just gave up and re shipped the order, adding extra product as an apology for the issue. I'd totally forgotten about the whole thing and months later receive the first package back with all manor of unintelligible stamps and writing. the heavy envelope left my home crisp and sturdy and came back feeling like a well worn leather rag! So yeah during the best of times international post is a bitch. TRJ was starting to look like it had become high centered, stuck bad, and with so many compounding issues it might not be able to regain the traction needed to break free from this hump.

While this was happening, much to my dismay, lots of folks on forums were quick to voice their unhappiness and bile over a situation that was, let's be real, pretty common amongst many small business around the world. While I doubt anyone would argue communication could have been better on the TRJ side. I can also understand how crazy and scary it must have been for the TRJ family watching something they built, something that had become a pillar of the community they so obviously love seemingly crumble and falter. If it wasn't already clear, I should disclose I was amongst the group that was possibly "losing out" on the reminder of my subscription. I am probably one of the few that actually carried a double subscription to access both physical and digital versions. Yes the magazine is that good. What shocked and saddened me wasn't the potential loss of a subscription price spent but the possible loss of the actual magazine itself. We have already lost so many greats, to loose TRJ would be a truly heavy blow. Personally I dont think the price of admission was enough to justify the level of venom I was seeing posted. While I get funds and money are relative. Man. Some guys were saying some truly uncool and spiteful shit about the Steve and the TRJ family, making serious accusations. I cant imagine what that must have been like for them, talk about getting kicked while you're down. Now I want to be clear I do not have a direct or personal connection to Mr. Coonan, or any TRJ family, though I have been fortunate enough to speak with and meet some of them at shows. I am just a fan/folower as such I was ready and willing to forgive/forgo whatever outstanding subscription I had left and donate to a go fund me or some simmilar campaign to help resurrect it. To Steve and the TRJ families credit, at least to my knowledge they didn't pursue anything of the like.

In the last few weeks I have seen posts showing some folks have received a new edition. This is amazing news! The TRJ web site is also back up and fingers crossed things will level out and we will get many more years of their specific brand of goodness to come. As of today, I haven't personally gotten the latest issue yet and rather than wait for it to show up, I have been scouring local book and Rod shops trying to find a copy, sadly so far without luck. But I am gonna keep trying and will do what I can to support this magazines rebirth as the opportunity presents itself.

My appologies for "beating a dead horse" but as I have stated many times before. I love the feeling of seeing my own cars get love online and part of what keeps me going with The Lowered is giving some of that feeling to others in the community I love so much. Let's be real though, theres a big difference between digital and print. To see your car in actual print, its a rare and special thing. To be personally chosen by the mysterious editorial gods to be included in their tome.. being included in the fraternity of feature cars for a magazine you've grown up reading and sharing with friends... Thats a whole other level, one I haven't personally attained. At least not in the my own car getting a full feature sorta way. You could say like I am sure many of you, so far, it's my own white whale. Sadly with the ever shrinking automotive print media the opportunities to attain such an honor get smaller by the day. So I hope we all recognize how special and important magazines like TRJ truly are. Its my hope that the folks previously venting their frustration can look past whatever hard feelings they had and exercise some empathy and ultimately renew their support for a piece of our culture that in my less than humble opinion we so badly need to survive.


The Lowered HMFIC


While I have you, I might as well mention another magazine I personally recommend. though different from The Rodders Journal, I find it equally as enjoyable. Wheel hub Magazine and their related titles are pretty great. They also have a quality, special feel to them when you pick one up and the photography and editorials are in depth and interesting to behold. I feel like their content is closer to a more in depth version/mix of Rod & Custom and Custom Rodder. heads up, their features tend to slant more to a plus sized wheel tucking mega dollar builds, I know thats not for everyone. Im good with it, nothing wrong with holding up the aspirational to us the garage level unwashed masses. It gives us inspiration and something to shoot for. Street trucks is another favorite of mine. obviously there are others but if theres one you love let me know if I haven't already ill check it out!


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